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January 3, 2023by Alok Raj0

When you were younger, you may have dreamed of being able to fly, and so did our forefathers many years ago. To test their ability to fly, our ancestors created feather or light wood wings that were attached to their arms. To eventually allow humanity to fly, it took years of perseverance, passion, and inventiveness.

The Wright Brothers are credited with flying the first airplane, but what most people are unaware of is the fact that an Indian scholar by the name of Shivkar Bapuji Talpade built and flew an unmanned aircraft eight years before the Wright Brothers.

Why has the world forgotten about Shivkar Talpade’s aircraft, and remember the Wright brothers’ invention

The brief history can be explained as, 8 years before the Wright brothers, Shivkar Talpade became the first person to fly a plane over Chowpatty (Present Mumbai) in India. But the world only knows about the Wright brothers (Wilbur and Orville Wright) because Wright brothers patented their invention on May 22, 1906 as U.S. Patent 821,393 and that is where Shivkar Talpade lacked because he never got his patent. The British monarchs mistreated and threatened Shivkar Talpade instead of praising him. Talpade was a Sanskrit expert, who had read the 7,000-year-old manuscripts known as the Vimanaka Shastra. His wife, who was quite a tech adept, was his partner the day that MARUTSHAKTI’s flight took place.

The Naksha Rasa accumulators ran out of power when the aircraft was in the air for 18 minutes at a height of around 200 meters. He made every effort to protect his invention from the British government but the British government unreasonably and unexpectedly detained (arrested) him on the grounds that he was turning mercury into bombs. When Talpade was in jail, the Wright brothers got their aeroplanes patented.

Many years after the Wright Brothers’ invention, In 1916, Talpade passed away without receiving any recognition for his attempt. To ensure that Talpade received the proper credit for his aircraft, several of his students attempted to submit their teacher’s invention.


However, the idea that an aeroplane may fly utilising a mercury ion engine was not widely accepted.


In the twenty-first century NASA finally, successfully used mercury ions as fuel and is conducting additional research to employ it in spacecraft and airplanes. Shivkar Talpade made the error of not patenting his invention, DO NOT REPEAT THE SAME MISTAKE. He never received such recognition or credit for his remarkable invention throughout his entire life. This past incident is a lesson for anyone who has a useful idea or useful invention; patent your inventions immediately to protect them from future infringements.

Alok Raj

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