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January 2, 2023by Alok Raj0

Steven Spielberg is one of the most famous and richest movie star who directed and produced some renowned movies like Jurassic park, Transformers, MIB (Men in Black), Indiana Jones etc. but more than that he is also an inventor of two important inventions :- Dolly track switch (Design Patent), Method and apparatus for annotating a document. Dolly Track Switch: – It is the design patent filed on 21st August 1997, it is the track switch design. The track switch is used to change the direction of the trail, especially while shooting (movie shooting)

Method and Apparatus for Annotating a Document: –

An audio file format that comprises audio data for playback reasons is enhanced with a parallel data channel of line identifiers or with a map that links time codes for the audio data with line numbers on the original document in order to make it easier to use audio files for annotation purposes. Line number-time code information is used in the audio file to move within it, as well as link audio annotation files and bookmarks to specific lines in the original text document. Links to audio and/or text annotation files may be included in the output document from an annotation device at the appropriate line numbers. Additionally, connections to annotation files and accompanying document line numbers maybe included in a navigation index that is generated as well as bookmarked. The process of writing a screenplay takes a long time, and it takes longer with each additional person who has to read the finished product. Filmmaking or other commercial ventures would benefit from a way to streamline the review and feedback process so that those with executive decision-making authority in a project could swiftly examine work. Steven Spielberg, an Academy Award-winning director, and co-inventor Samuel Gustman received this invention from the USPTO in January 2012. It safeguards a system that enables many people to add spoken annotations to a text with lines, such as a script or a book. The system would enable users to engage with a document via several communication terminals, such as a mobile phone, home PC, or digital money, as per the patent.

Conclusion: – A dolly switch patent from 1997 and a “Method and apparatus for annotating a document” patent from 2011 were both held by Steven Spielberg Hollywood movie director. It enables those updating a digital document—say, a script—to do so from any location and to annotate the text orally. Additionally, Spielberg had applied for a Holodeck patent.

Alok Raj

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