A claim chart is a graphic that is used to compare and analyze patent claims. The claims are broken down into their component parts in each row of a claim chart, which has at least two columns. The interpretation or interpretations, purportedly infringing product or method, and further investigation can all be included in the content and quantity of the appropriate columns.
Why you need claim chart mapping?
A claim chart might be considered a weapon in the struggle against infringement. The necessary proof to establish infringement against a product is provided in the claim chart. The proofs may come in the form of blogs, pictures, videos, etc. When conducting an analysis for potential infringement, a claim is broken down into its component parts and each item is compared with the process, technique, or product of the infringing party. The claim elements are compared to the prior art in the event of invalidation. It is equally crucial to be aware that anyone may complete a claim chart and map claims. The accuser’s accusations may be the focus of the first party’s search for potential violators, while the accuser’s claims may be the focus of the second party’s attempt to refute them. A third party could be a sincere investor or business prospect who is attempting to determine whether any claims already in place might prevent him or her from opening a business in a particular area.
Centriik’s detailed Approach to claim chart mapping?
- The searches are run with technology restrictions since the term claims mapping indicates that the invention should be known any time before and after applying for a patent.
- The claim chart mapping provides a snapshot of the innovation happening in a particular technology area at a particular point in time, but it also tells where the technology is headed, which company/industry is involved and where the innovation is taking place.
- Centriik’s patent engineers provides more complete and accurate claim chart and mapping, that inform our client’s about product or patent that have similar claim, novelty and inventive step including research and development efforts and patent filing strategies.
- Out-of-the-box approach to verify more than simple database lookup.
- Divide the relevant prior arts according to the similar or near similar claims feature of invention. Searches are made to see old product brochures and discontinued products, find dukes from witty companies, and examine publications from the early history of the technology used.
- Native language capabilities in 16+ languages including CN, JP, KR, FR and DE.
- Claim chart mapping report format: An excel report that includes project overview, keywords-synonyms, IPC classes, search strings, results which will divided into high, medium and low category depend on the similarity of claims and product, claim mapping as per the key features of the provided product and features similarities, invention’s references, Non-patent Literature and many other details related to project.