What is Patent Watch and Trademark Watch? Patent watch services form part of the post-registration services available for a patent, and are a useful tool in a patent holder’s enforcement strategy. Similarly, the trademark watch services form part of the post-registration services available for a trademark, and are a useful tool in a trademark holder’s enforcement strategy. Watch services are a mechanism by which the patent or trademark owner of their granted patent or registered marks can monitor any patent or trademark applications respectively filed by third party, which are identical or deceptively similar to the registered rights.
Why you need Patent Watch and Trademark Watch? Though the IP offices does have its own measures for weeding out patent or trademarks, it is not enough to ensure that no similar or identical invention or creations are granted, and brand names are registered. The Watch Services are continuous in nature, since only a limited time period is applicable to oppose the similar or identical invention / brands. It is thus necessary for an IP right owner to regularly undertake a watch services so that no possible oppositions are missed. The watch services would entail a comprehensive search which would be made using several keywords and combinations including to observe any potentially infringing patents including similar novelty, inventive steps and sometimes design also; and in case of trademarks, the potentially infringing marks including visually and phonetically similar marks to alleviate the possibility of deceptively similar marks.
Advantages of Patent Watch and Trademark Watch
- The continuous watch services also help in analysing the trends of other related patent and trademark filings in interested jurisdictions.
- The patent watch services also help to get an idea of upcoming advancement in the technology and thus may assist your R&D department to stay on the top.
- It also helps to keep the track if other patent applications are being filed which may infringe your patent claims. And somehow, if your patent application is infringing the rights of other existing patent; the patent watch service will allow your handful time to make required amendments.
- The trademark watch services will provide up to date information on all related brands and products. Thus, you can plan your marketing strategies accordingly.
- It also helps in keeping the track of abandoned / expired / withdrawn patents and trademarks, and you may use them in future.
- Our experienced patent and trademark analyst promise a comprehensive and efficient watch services covering multiple databases to best protect your registered IP assets, viz. patent, design.