State-of-the-art (SOA) searches are the most comprehensive of all patent searches and are used to get a complete picture of a particular patent area. The State-of-the-art search is used to drive strategies at both IP and corporate levels, helping to provide long-term market advantage. It is essentially market research that looks broadly and comprehensively into all that is done in a particular art.

Why you need State of the Art Search?

There are two main situations when someone needs State of the Art report:-

  • A new technology area: It is advantageous to conduct a SOA search, if company is intending to enter, grow in, or invest in a completely new market in order to have a comprehensive understanding of the current trends, previously explored ideas, and continuing advances in the relevant technology space. This helps to identify relevant information for or against business decisions such as: Competitiveness, risk factors, and profitability are associated with the technology of interest.
  • Narrowing down the R&D path: For companies active in a particular field, SOA research can analyze the latest developments in that field or re-evaluate past inventions to determine the most appropriate future direction for research. It also helps in designing products in comparison with existing prototypes.
  • State-of-the-art search also enables organizations to determine current competitors, potential partners, analysis of previous work on relevant technologies, insights into new developments, and current opportunities/threats to their business.
  • The main objective of a State of the Art search is to:
  • Provide up-to-date information about progress in a specific technical field.
  • Identifying a new area for investment, research and development.
  • Identify potential mergers and acquisitions.
  • Identify new technological trends.
  • Identify potential competitors.

Why you should Select Centriik for State of the Art Search?

  • We run SOA searches with technology restrictions since the term novelty and inventive steps itself indicates that the invention should be known or unknown any time before and after applying for a patent.
  •  Our SOA report provides a snapshot of the innovation happening in a particular technology area at a particular point in time, but it also tells where the technology is headed, which company/industry is involved and where the innovation is taking place.
  • Centriik’s patent engineers provides more complete and accurate descriptions of patent rights and technology developments, and can inform our clients’ businesses, including research and development efforts and patent filing strategies.
  • Out-of-the-box approach to verify more than simple database lookup.
  • Divide the relevant prior arts according to the similar or near similar novel feature of invention. Searches are made to see old product brochures and discontinued products, find dukes from witty companies, and examine publications from the early history of the technology used.
  • Native language capabilities in 16+ languages including CN, JP, KR, FR and DE.
  • State of art Report Format: Excel report– An excel file that includes keywords, IPC classes, search strings, project methodology, patents mapping as per the key features of the provided product , invention’s references, Non-patent Literature and many other details related to project.

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