Patent white space analysis identifies gaps within the patent landscape that may open potential opportunities for product or technology advancement. Use white space analysis to upgrade your portfolio and explore new technology areas to deal with unmet needs. The powerful and versatile analytical tools facilitate the details at each stage of the white space analysis process, thereby gaining a competitive edge.

How white space analysis is important for any company or organization?

Whitespace analysis helps identify congested and sparse areas within a technology domain. It helps to identify new innovation opportunities in areas of low competition. Each whitespace analysis defines its scope in terms of what is expected in the whitespace analysis. For example, white space can be identified in terms of technology, application, material, etc. Similarly, many other parameters can be selected. After the scope is defined, related patents are identified using a combination of keywords and classes. All patents are analyzed according to defined parameters. Classification of patents is done in a variety of ways. Generally, after classification, areas with few patent applications are considered blank.

However, this approach may not give you a complete idea of ​​your space for many reasons

  • The company does not need to apply for patents in specific technical fields
  • Due to the age of the technology, patents may not be included in the dataset due to date constraints. Therefore, narrowing down white space requires a 360-degree analysis. Apart from patents, it is also important to examine non-patent literature. Non-patent literature includes both research papers and products available on the market in related technical fields.

Centriik’s detailed Approach for Whitespace analysis?

  • The searches are run with technologies restrictions since the term novelty and inventive steps itself indicates that the invention should be known or unknown any time before and after applying for a patent.
  • Whitespace analysis report provides technology, application, material with the scope is defined, and related patents are identified using a combination of keywords and classes, a snapshot of the innovation happening in a particular technology area at a particular point in time, but it also tells where the technology is headed, which company/industry is involved and where the innovation is taking place.
  • Cenriik’s whitespace analysis report narrowing down prior art details for that white space requires a 360-degree analysis. The white space also works on objective, science-based metrics that measure the impact of patented inventions and the strength of the overall patent landscape report.
  • Centriik’s patent engineers provides more complete and accurate descriptions of patent rights and technology developments, and can inform our clients’ businesses, including research and development efforts and patent filing strategies.
  • Defining the relevancy criteria is crucial while considering relevant and related references.
  • Out-of-the-box approach to verify more than simple database lookup.
  • Divide the relevant prior arts according to the similar or near similar novel feature of invention. Searches are made to see old product brochures and discontinued products, find dukes from witty companies, and examine publications from the early history of the technology used.
  •  The volume of non-English literature for white space analysis should not be neglected or underestimated
  1. Native language capabilities in 16+ languages including CN, JP, KR, FR and DE.
  1. White space analysis report format: An excel report that includes technology, application, material details, keywords, IPC classes, search strings, project methodology, patents mapping as per the key features of the provided product and many other details related to project.

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