Copyright refers to the ownership rights in original works which are of literary, theatrical, musical, and artistic nature. Copyright registration grants a set of rights to the work, including reproduction, public communication, adaptation, and translation.


Copyright Registration in India is advisable as proof of legal ownership in an original work. Filing of Copyright Application in India is now a completely online process. The following documents/information are needed for the same: Information such as the applicant’s name, address, and nationality An application for registration is to be made on Form XIV (which includes the Statement of Particulars and Statement of Further Particulars). A No-objection Certificate, issued by the author of the work to owner in case the author is not the Applicant Each application should be accompanied by the officially prescribed fees The original Power of Attorney (POA) signed by the Applicant party Physical copies of the work; numbering 2 in case the work is unpublished and 3 in case the work is published. Upon the receipt of such an application, there is a mandatory waiting period of 30 days in case any objection is received on such copyright. If any objection is received in such time, the examiner will forward the copy of such objection to both the parties and will call upon them for further hearing. After hearing the party, the examiner, once the objection is resolved, will approve or reject the same as per its discretion. After the expiry of the waiting period, in case no objection is received, the Examiner examines the application further for any discrepancies and if the examiner is satisfied that the application is in consonance with the rules and regulations, he shall forward the extract to the registrar for the entry of such copyright in Register of Copyright.


Copyright Registration in Sri Lanka is advisable as proof of legal ownership in an original work. Filing of Copyright Application in Nepal is a physical process. The following documents/information are needed for the same: Information such as the applicant’s name, address, and nationality An application for registration accompanied by prescribed fees 4 copies of the original work A special power of attorney to be signed by Applicant party Upon the receipt of such an application, there is a waiting period of 1 to 6 months to ensure that no objections are filed against your claim. In case any objection is received on such copyright. If any objection is received in such time, the examiner will forward the copy of such objection to both the parties and will call upon them for further hearing. After hearing the party, the examiner, once the objection is resolved, will approve or reject the same as per its discretion. After the expiry of the waiting period, in case no objection is received, the Examiner examines the application further for any discrepancies and if the examiner is satisfied that the application is in consonance with the rules and regulations, the work shall be registered as a copyright.


Copyright Registration is not mandatory in Bangladesh; however, the same is advisable as proof of legal ownership in an original work. Filing of Copyright Application in Bangladesh is a mix of both physical and online process. The following documents/information are needed for the same: Information such as the applicant’s name, address, and nationality An application for registration is to be filled (form is available online). 2 copies of the filled application form to be submitted physically Treasury chalan 2 copies of the original work Undertaking of the applicant regarding the originality of the work, No-objection Certificate from the related content creator(s) (wherever applicable), and Transfer deed of work in stamp paper (if applicable) A special power of attorney to be signed by Applicant party The application for Registration can be submitted online. After the successful submission and getting the printed copy of the application with the reference number, the application and above-mentioned documents need to be submitted to the Copyright Office physically within 15 days from the successful online submission of that application. Upon the receipt of such an application, there is a mandatory waiting period of 30 days in case any objection is received on such copyright. If any objection is received in such time, the examiner will forward the copy of such objection to both the parties and will call upon them for further hearing. After hearing the party, the examiner, once the objection is resolved, will approve or reject the same as per its discretion. After the expiry of the waiting period, in case no objection is received, the Examiner examines the application further for any discrepancies and if the examiner is satisfied that the application is in consonance with the rules and regulations, the work shall be registered as a copyright.


Copyright Registration is not mandatory in Nepal; however, the same is advisable as proof of legal ownership in an original work. Filing of Copyright Application in Nepal is a physical process. The following documents/information are needed for the same Information such as the applicant’s name, address, and nationality An application for registration 4 copies of the original work A special power of attorney to be signed by Applicant party Undertaking of the applicant regarding the originality of the work, No-objection Certificate from the related content creator(s) (wherever applicable). Upon the receipt of such an application, there is a mandatory waiting period of 35 days for a reference number to be issued. After submitting your application and receiving your reference number, you must wait 30 days to ensure that no objections are filed in the Copyright office against your claim. In case any objection is received on such copyright. If any objection is received in such time, the examiner will forward the copy of such objection to both the parties and will call upon them for further hearing. After hearing the party, the examiner, once the objection is resolved, will approve or reject the same as per its discretion. After the expiry of the waiting period, in case no objection is received, the Examiner examines the application further for any discrepancies and if the examiner is satisfied that the application is in consonance with the rules and regulations, the work shall be registered as a copyright.


Copyright Registration Is not mandatory in Bhutan; however, the same is advisable as proof of legal ownership in an original work. Filing of Copyright Application in Bhutan is a physical process. The following documents/information are needed for the same Information such as the applicant’s name, address, and nationality An application for registration accompanied by prescribed fees 2 copies of the original work A special power of attorney to be signed by Applicant party Upon the receipt of such an application, there is a mandatory waiting period of 30 days to ensure that no objections are filed against your claim. In case any objection is received on such copyright. If any objection is received in such time, the examiner will forward the copy of such objection to both the parties and will call upon them for further hearing. After hearing the party, the examiner, once the objection is resolved, will approve or reject the same as per its discretion. After the expiry of the waiting period, in case no objection is received, the Examiner examines the application further for any discrepancies and if the examiner is satisfied that the application is in consonance with the rules and regulations, the work shall be registered as a copyright.

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