
A Trademark is a unique brand identity used by any commercial entity to represent its goods and services. This unique brand representation could include logos, specific names symbols, colors, sounds, etc.


Copyright deals with the protection of creative works – works of literature, art, music, film, etc. It gives the owner of the creative work the exclusive right to disseminate his work to the public


Patent deals with the protection of inventive works, which include new technologies and products, and any novel improvements on already existing technologies and products.


A Design is a purely ornamental aspect applied to a product to give it an aesthetic value. There is no actual technical or mechanical addition to a product on application of a design; it is merely present to give the product a visual appeal.

Our firm provides services relating to Patent and Design protection in the jurisdictions of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Bhutan.
Our firm provides services relating to Trademark protection in the jurisdictions of India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, and Maldives. Our firm provides services relating to Copyright protection in the jurisdictions of India, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh.

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