Trademark Registration in Maldives
There is no specific Trademark Law in the jurisdiction of Maldives.
a) If Applicant’s Company is Registered in Maldives
The Maldivian Registered Companies (or a Maldivian national) can apply for Trademark Registration Certificate for a prescribed fee. The documents needed for Trademark Registration are as follows:
- Trademark registration application form
- Softcopy of trademark
- Copy of the Business Registration certificate
- Registration fee [as prescribed]
- Revenue Stamp [as prescribed]
Trademark is usually registered on the same day as the date of application. As such, there is no Official Examination, or provision for publication of mark in a Trademark Journal, or Opposition Proceedings in Maldives.
b) If Applicant’s Company is not Registered in Maldives
A company not registered for business in the Maldives may obtain limited protection by periodically publishing cautionary notices in the local papers. The cautionary notice serves as a notice on the public that the particular mark belongs to the particular entity. There is no provision for trademark renewal in the Maldives. It is advisable to re-publish the cautionary notice in every three years.